
Green Warriors: Left-Wingers Plot To Pressure 2020 Democratic Field Into Accepting Radical Economic Agenda

We shouldn’t be surprised, but it all goes back to how critical the next presidential election will be in a couple years. Yes, I know; every election is critical; even state and local ones, which the GOP has dominated in recent years. At one point, the GOP controlled 69/99 legislatures and held two-thirds of the governorships. Given the extreme anti-gun push in Virginia, you see the consequences of failing to win these races. The Virginia GOP hasn’t won a statewide race since 2009. 

With the rise of the progressive Left, which has ushered in the Bernie Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez era, the Democratic Party is undergoing a far left renovation and we could see a 2020 cycle where this party parrots some of the most left-wing economic policy initiatives in recent memory. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who is one of the many faces of the far left, is spearheading this charge, even saying that she would support primary challenges against Democrats who she thinks are too moderate. Right now, the groups who influenced Ocasio-Cortez to run for Congress are plotting a 15-city tour to pressure the 2020 Democratic field to think about the “Green New Deal.” That’s a D.C.-speak for huge government. Oh, and the economy would go right into the toilet (via Axios):

Justice Democrats, which recruited AOC, and the Sunrise Movement plan to begin the campaign in March, a Sunrise spokesperson tells Axios.

Why it matters: The plan laid out in broad terms Sunday night signals how advocates of the sweeping climate and economic proposal hope to ensure it's in the bloodstream of the 2020 White House race.

Pillars of the GND include moving to 100% renewable electricity, job guarantees for people working in energy transition and "massive investment" overall in emissions-cutting, per AOC's proposal.

What they're saying: "We're making it clear any politician who wants to run for federal office needs to support the Green New Deal and not take fossil fuel money," Sunrise founder Varshini Prakash said on a call with reporters and activists Sunday.

Where it stands: A Sunrise spokesperson told Axios last week that the campaign has already been meeting with the campaigns of some 2020 White House hopefuls.

Several candidates or potential entrants — including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke and Julián Castro — have voiced support for the idea in broad terms.

And the 2020 clown car just got bigger with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand announcing a2020 exploratory committee. You can bet she will be open to this parade of horribles. All the more reason to start getting ready for a nasty 2020 election.