
Russia Derangement Syndrome: Dem Senator Says It's Not Insane To Ask If Trump Is A Russian Agent

Russia collusion might be the topic of discussion nowadays with the government shutdown, but it’s still a pathogen that has yet to leave the Democratic Party’s system. Today, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) suggested that it’s not insane to ask if Trump, knowingly or unknowingly, is a Russian agent. Warner was interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper (via NTK Network):

Jake, I think the earlier evidence this week, where the president’s campaign manager – and we’re unaware whether the president knew – where the president’s campaign manager, at whose direction turned over confidential polling data to a known Russian agent, a known Russian agent, who has ties to Putin,” Warner said. “Why would you turn over that information?”

Warner then told Tapper that it was this kind of information that Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort gave the Russians that they would have used to interfere in the 2016 election.

“We don’t know the answer to that, yet I would hope that Mueller has got more indication. But it is a very real question,” Warner concluded.

Or, given Manafort’s personality, it's quite possible he went rogue and shared this information with the Russians without Trump knowing. It’s possible. How many Russia bombshells have dropped? Too many to count—and all of them turned out to be nothing burgers. Manafort is a shady figure. It’s not too far off base to think he would conduct himself in such a manner. It’s been over a year and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, stacked with Clinton-ites, has yet to find a shred of solid evidence to suggest that Trump and the Kremlin colluded to win the 2016 election. We would have known by now. It also never ceases to amaze me how in 2012 Democrats laughed at the notion of Russia being any sort of threat, but now, since Hillary lost, Russian infiltration is everywhere.