
Conservative Senator Shares Disappointment in Romney: 'Jeff Flake on Steroids'

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) observed that his new colleague Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has just made "the same mistake" that cost him the 2012 presidential election. Romney began his Senate tenure by publishing an op-ed accusing President Trump of destroying the U.S.'s relationship with her allies abroad, as well as failing to live up to the office of the presidency with his unorthodox character.

"Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world," Romney wrote in the Washington Post.

Perdue shares his disappointment with Romney in his WaPo opinion piece. The Georgia senator shared his op-ed with the follow introduction.

"Like others who have run for president and failed, Mitt Romney has taken a stance that smacks of jealousy and resentment," Perdue wrote on Twitter. "The mainstream media and Democrats want to further divide Republicans, and Romney has played right into their hands."

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was one of Trump's most vocal critics in the GOP. He even wrote a book, Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle, in which he blamed the president for compromising the movement's character. Trump, of course, had no issues hitting back at Flake, including up to this week.

“Jeff Flake is now selling real estate, or whatever he’s doing," Trump said. "He’ll probably go to work for CNN. That’s my prediction.”

Trump and his team had their own retorts for Romney's scathing op-ed. Like Perdue, they mentioned Romney's failed run for the White House. What right did he have to criticize Trump's behavior in the Oval Office when he couldn't even get there?

Even his niece, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, publicly berated her uncle for his ever unhelpful comments.