
Incoming Acting SecDef Gets Brutal Welcome From Mattis Fans: 'YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD'

While many Americans were celebrating 2018 ending on New Years Eve, some serious business was being conducted on the leadership at the Department of Defense.

As soon as 2018 turned into 2019, Secretary of Defense James Mattis was no longer in command and his deputy, Patrick Shanahan, became Acting Secretary of Defense.

To signify the transition, the DOD changed the official Secretary of Defense Facebook page’s profile picture from Mattis to Shanahan. In the comments, people voiced their displeasure and dismay on the loss of Mattis in some hilarious ways:

In one of his first acts, Shanahan named who will be the new acting deputy secretary of defense.

“As Department of Defense Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller for the past 19 months, David Norquist has had insight into virtually every tenet of this department. I have the greatest confidence in his abilities to lead a phenomenally talented team while performing the duties as Deputy Secretary of Defense,” he said.