
New Poll: No, Pelosi Doesn't Have a Mandate

We're just days away from the new Congress beginning on Capitol Hill and Nancy Pelosi plans on being in charge.  

But while Democrats took back a number of congressional seats from Republicans during the 2018 midterm elections, Americans haven't handed them a mandate. In fact, according to a new Rasmussen Survey, they want President Trump driving the agenda. 

When given a choice between the two, 46% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump should set the direction of the country for the next two years. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 31% believe that job should go to Pelosi who is expected to be the speaker of the incoming Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. Nearly one-out-of-five voters (18%) say neither one should set the direction of the country in the near future.

While 81% of Republicans want the president to set the nation's course for the next two years, just 53% of Democrats say the same of Pelosi. Nineteen percent (19%) of Democrats defer to Trump, and 21% prefer neither one. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 40% choose Trump, 28% Pelosi and 26% neither.

Just before last month's midterm elections, 58% of all voters said Trump is setting the agenda in Washington, compared to 11% who felt the GOP-run Congress is in charge. But voters expected that to change if Democrats won control of the House as happened on Election Day.

Meanwhile, Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and President Trump are trading barbs over the current government shutdown.