
Round Two: Comey Bashes Trump, GOP, and Fox News

This afternoon, Former FBI Director, James Comey returned to Capitol Hill for a second round of questioning before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees. Comey took clear aim at President Trump and congressional GOP members. Aggressive and frustrated, Comey stated that Republicans have not stood up for what is "right." He repetitively attacked Republicans and appeared extremely frustrated with reporters and political enemies alike.

“Republicans used to understand that the actions of a president matter, the words of a president matter, the rule of law matters, and the truth matters. Where are those Republicans today,” Comey stated to a pool of reporters Monday afternoon.

“At some point, someone has to stand up and in the fear of Fox News and fear of their base, and fear of mean tweets, stand up for the values of this country and not slink away into retirement.”

When answering a Fox News reporter's questions that the "FBI's reputation has taken a big hit because the President of The United States...has lied about it constantly... and a whole bunch of good people who watch your network believe those lies." 

The former FBI director would not answer on Monday whether he believes the new congressional probe adds legitimate investigative value, saying that he "didn't learn anything new" from the second session.

And when asked whether he has hurt the FBI's reputation, Comey said: "I hope not."

"They have a big hit, because the president of the United States with his acolytes, has lied about it constantly," Comey said about the Justice Department and its work. "That's a tragedy. That damage has nothing to do with me."

The former FBI director continued to call on Republicans to stand up against Trump's rhetoric toward the FBI.

Dan Bongino, a conservative political commentator, weighed in on Comey's appearance and statements: