
Video: Liberals Are Horrified At The Disgusting, Racist Comments Hurled By...Hillary Clinton?

Some didn’t think it was a racist remark; cringe-worthy for sure, but perhaps more of a dig at the moderator for screwing up Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and former Attorney General Eric Holder. Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton sat down with tech journalist Kara Swisher at Recode in New York City last week. Clinton said that she’s definitely not running again, though she wishes she were president.  

Hillary has been on a tear recently, saying that you can't be civil with Republicans earlier in October, but then changing course after the tragic shooting in Pittsburgh, where eleven people were shot and killed by an anti-Semite in a synagogue. You can’t have it both ways, lady. And it once again shows that Clinton will do and say anything to remain in the public’s good graces. Swisher then asked about what she thought about Holder saying that Democrats should kick Republicans, though she mistook Holder for Booker, prompting Hillary to say, “Well, they all look alike.”

For young voters, well, they saw it as nothing more than a racist comment, but not before slamming President Trump as a racist. The Daily Caller interviewed young voters in Washington D.C., where students were presented with the quote, but then told it was Hillary Clinton who said it. At least their opinion of the remark didn’t change; they thought it was racist no matter who said it. 

The Caller did aptly note that if a Republican had said this, the coverage would be extensive. For Clinton, the elite media complex gave her a pass this time:

Hamill pulled the old bait and switch on the students to see what they really think about a politician saying, “They all look alike,” when referring to black politicians.

After the students roasted President Trump because they thought he said it, they couldn’t give Clinton a pass. A racist joke is a racist joke.

So my question is: Where’s the outrage from Democratic politicians and the liberal media?