
Sad: Only 1-in-3 Can Pass a U.S. Citizenship Test...And The Number is MUCH Lower For Younger Americans

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation on Wednesday released the results of a national survey they did to see how many Americans would pass a citizenship test. The results are rather shocking.

Here are the takeaways: 

• Only one in three Americans can pass the test.
• Only 13 percent knew when that the Constitution was ratified in 1788. Most thought it was 1776.
• 72 percent of respondents either incorrectly identified or were unsure of which states were part of the 13 original states.
• 60 percent didn't know what countries the United States fought in WWII.
• 12 percent incorrectly thought WWII General Dwight Eisenhower led troops in the Civil War while six percent thought he was a Vietnam War general.
• The majority knew the cause of the Cold War but two percent thought it was because of climate change.
• Only 24 percent could correctly identify one thing Benjamin Franklin was famous for.
• Only 24 percent knew why the colonists fought the British.
• 57 percent didn't know how many justices sit on the Supreme Court, despite the news surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Here's how people scored based on age:
• Those 65+ scored 74 percent (the highest).
• Only 19 percent of those under 45 passed.

According to Woodrow Wilson Foundation President Arthur Levine, it's imperative for voters to have the knowledge and understanding of American history, especially if they're going to be active in politics. 

“With voters heading to the polls next month, an informed and engaged citizenry is essential,” Levine said in a statement. “Unfortunately this study found the average American to be woefully uninformed regarding America’s history and incapable of passing the U.S. Citizenship Test.  It would be an error to view these findings as merely an embarrassment. Knowledge of the history of our country is fundamental to maintaining a democratic society, which is imperiled today.”

If you took the test, how would you do? Take a sample test here.