
Dem Congressman Mocks Sen Collins For Complaining About Death Threats

Update: Rep. Swalwell deleted his initial tweet and apologized for diminishing death threats sent to Sen. Collins but also made the excuse that he was just upset that, in his opinion, the "victim's safety has been ignored," in the case of Blasey Ford.

Original Post:

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) downplayed death threats that Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has been receiving Thursday. He belittled her experience and compared it to the death threats received by Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

“My office has received some pretty ugly voicemails, threats, terrible things said to my staff,” Collins said in an interview Wednesday.

“This has been a very ugly process and I think that’s very unfortunate for everyone involved,” she added. 

“Boo hoo hoo,” Swalwell responded. “You’re a senator who police will protect. A sexual assault victim can’t sleep in her home tonight because of threats. Where are you sleeping? She’s on her own while you and your @SenateGOP colleagues try to rush her through a hearing.”

Washington Post writer Jennifer Rubin accused Collins of playing the “perpetual victim” because she mentioned the death threats.

Senate Republicans have been trying to accommodate Blasey Ford to testify in whatever way she feels comfortable. However, she and her lawyers have been insisting on a full FBI investigation into the alleged, nearly four-decades-old assault despite the FBI considering the case to be closed.

Sen. Collins tweeted Wednesday encouraging Blasey Ford to testify.

Rep. Swalwell was called out on Twitter for downplaying the threats Collins was receiving.

Even before the allegations against Kavanaugh were known, Sen. Collins’s office was facing death threats from leftists who wished her to oppose his confirmation as she is a key vote in the process. One caller even threatened to rape her young female staffer.