
Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Missouri Abortion Restrictions

The 8th circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals reversed a 2017 court ruling that would block reasonable restrictions on abortion clinics. The federal appeals court ruled that abortion clinics need to be surgically licensed, equipped with the same equipment as a hospital’s surgical wing, and the doctors performing abortions must have medical privileges with a local hospital.

This decision comes out of a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider; the organization argued that the restrictions, which were proposed to ensure high health standards were met in abortion clinics and that the health of women obtaining abortions was protected.

Left-wing groups appear to prioritize having as many abortion clinics as possible over having reasonable health standards for the clinics:

These regulations are hardly restrictions on abortion access, but rather ensure that the abortions performed are as safe as possible for women seeking them.