
Poll: Wagner Nearly Ties Wolf in Governor Race

Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner saw a huge boost in his matchup against sitting governor Tom Wolf. A statewide, independent Benchmark Survey polled a random sample of 2,012 likely voters, and the results, although mixed, showed the GOP candidate only three points behind Wolf, with voters putting the incumbent at 46 percent and Wagner at 43 percent.

This survey shows that Wagner’s message, which promotes lower taxes, decreased economic regulation and safety for all Pennsylvanians, is resonating with Pennsylvania voters and helping the GOP candidate surge in polling. The majority of those surveyed, in the age range of 35-64, polled as extremely enthusiastic about the upcoming midterm election. Those surveyed identified as Democratic by a slim margin, 47 percent Democrat to 42 percent Republican; the same Democratic majority polled that Pennsylvania was ‘not on the right track,’ 56 percent to 43 percent ‘in the right direction.’

The approval of Governor Wolf showed an almost even split, with 26 percent strongly approving of Wolf and 26 strongly disapproving; 25 percent somewhat approved, and 16 percent somewhat disapproved. On Wagner, 427 (21 percent) polled a very favorable opinion of the GOP candidate, 491 (24 percent) somewhat favorable, 229 (11 percent) somewhat unfavorable and 422 (20 percent) very unfavorable.

The most notable results of the poll showed 927 (46 percent) of those surveyed voting for Governor Wolf, and 827 (43 percent) supporting Scott Wagner. These numbers are a strong improvement for the candidate seeking to unseat Governor Tom Wolf, once voted the most liberal governor in America. With months left until the two candidates face off in the polls on November 6th, these poll numbers are a very positive sign for the Wagner-Bartos campaign.