
Triggered: It's Not For Liberals

Tuesdays and Thursdays aren’t really special, but for 15 minutes, Storm Paglia and Matt Vespa will be bringing you the hottest takes on news, cultural trends, and other useless crap in a podcast that’s not for liberals. 

It’s called Triggered. It launched tonight. And it’ll be one helluva ride…unless these two get fired, which is a possibility. Micah Rate is the executive producer, but also does double-duty keeping these two on a leash. There are no safe spaces. There is no filter. There’s no room for political correctness or any of that pansy crap. 

This week, the duo will discuss CNN’s Jim Acosta being a little delicate flower at a Trump rally in Tampa, where chants of “CNN sucks” seemed to have bruised his ego. How The New York Times hired another editorial writer with a racist Twitter history. And how New York City might have a serial farter in the West Village. Oh, and a school superintendent in New Jersey had a penchant for defecating in public. 

Tune in and enjoy a slight reprieve from the miserable and insufferable liberal news media. The first episode is featured below.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @TriggeredTHM @Storm_paglia and @mVespa1