
Sacha Cohen's New Series On Showtime Targets Republicans

Last week Townhall reported that former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin claimed she was ‘duped’ by Sacha Baron Cohen into what she believed was a legitimate interview with a disabled veteran. 

The interview was for Cohen’s new series, “Who is America?,” which is set to air on Showtime. The show “…explores the diverse individuals who populate our unique nation…” according to Showtime However, when the show premiered Sunday night, it became clear that the primary purpose of the show was to mock and humiliate Republicans.

In the premiere episode comedian Sacha Baron Cohen dressed up as four different characters in full costume. Three out of four segments in the episode mocked conservatives. 

“Cohen's character that takes up the majority of the episode (10 out of 30 minutes) is Israeli anti-terrorist expert ‘Erran Morad,’who advocates arming toddlers in order to solve America’s problem of school shootings,” reported NewsBusters. 

In a series of interviews, four Republican congressmen, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt as well as Phillip Van Cleave, President of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, all advocate for a program which trains children as young as four years-old to handle guns and weapons. There is only one Republican congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL.) who expresses skepticism at the program.

The show even mocks Pratt who spews out fake facts as well as which are supposed to prove that the program is backed by scientific evidence, even throwing in misused pop culture references to further humiliate Republicans and gun rights advocates. 

While Cohen’s show does feature interviews with Democrats, they are not portrayed in the humiliating way that Republicans are. 

It becomes clear that Cohen is targeting Republicans and conservatives when his interviews with Democrats such as Bernie Sanders. “Instead of, say, disguising himself as a die-hard socialist to see how kooky Sanders’ beliefs really are, Cohen simply pokes fun at his own character—an anti-Obamacare fool named Billy Wayne Ruddick, Jr,” reports NewsBusters.