
Schumer: #MeToo Is Important, But I Don't Want To Talk About Bill Clinton

The Me Too moment, which saw scores of women detail their experiences with sexual harassment, abuse, and even assault, exposed legions of bad guys for their past deeds. From lewd behavior to outright rape allegations, people from Hollywood, politics, sports, and journalism—elite members in some cases—have been driven from their fields. Creeps have got to go. Period. Yet, the unanimity among left-wingers seems to become fractured when it comes to Slick Willy. 

You see there is no moral high ground from which liberals can lecture and talk down to the rest of us on this issue. Liberals, by default, think they’re God’s best creatures on earth, unassailable, and appallingly condescending towards the treatment of other who are not like them (i.e. working class voters, rural America, and not college educated etc.). The Left rails about Donald Trump’s lewd remarks over that nothing burger Access Hollywood tape, which included audio of Trump saying you could grab a woman by her genitals to then-host Billy Bush. Bush was fired from his recent gig at the Today Show over these remarks. 

Is it crude? Yes. Is it anything I haven’t or millions of other Americans heard? No. The Hillary Clinton campaign tried to get Trump with this and failed. No one cared. Well, no one outside of the liberal bubble cared. The issue here with trying to make a war on women narrative with Trump is that Bill Clinton definitely had his share of allegations of sexual misconduct. And yes, unlike Trump, he has credible rape allegations lobbied against him. You can’t do a Me Too attack on Trump when the Left circled the wagons around Bill, which they did because he voted the right way. That’s the liberal line: you can abuse women as long as you’re liberal. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), who were accused of sexual misconduct, were only forced to resign after the party couldn’t attack Roy Moore, the GOP Senate candidate in Alabama’s special election to fill Jeff Sessions’ vacancy, without their names popping up. 

As Cortney wrote, Bill Clinton got a bit flustered when asked about Monica Lewinsky, and said he didn’t need to apologize; Bill has co-written a novel with James Patterson which is about to be released. 

He later apologized for those remarks, saying he got “hot under the collar,” but it offers insight into how the Democratic Party is at least cognizant that this isn’t a winning issue. CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about Bill’s remarks and he refused to give a comment. 

“Not getting into that,” Schumer said. “I think it’s irrelevant to what we need to talk about.”

“Me Too?” remarked a shocked Cuomo.

“No, Me Too is important. What Bill Clinton said—[the] public can judge for themselves,” replied Schumer.

“How are both of those things true at the same time, Senator,” pushed Cuomo.

“They’re true at the same time because you judge the person by their own actions—plain and simple,” added the New York Democrat. 

Nice dodge. Democrats know this is a losing issue. Also, let’s be honest, knowing what we know now about Bill Clinton, if he could run again, you can bet the mortgage Democrats would vote for him again, an accused rapist. And with that, out goes Trump’s allegations of sexual misconduct, which haven’t gone anywhere, as an effective attack line. The Democrats and their allies in the media turned a blind eye to Bill, which is essentially an endorsement of rape culture. It’s not a come to Jesus moment for the Left. So, I can see why they want to move on from Bill.