
Fake News: Liberals Continue to Tweet Obama-Era Photos to Slam Trump

After liberal activists on Twitter and members of the mainstream media were forced to eat their own words after they sounded off on President Trump and his administration for an Obama-era photo of migrant children, liberal activists continue the trend of spreading false narratives. ABC 13 Houston’s Antonio Arellano tweeted a photo of a bus at the Karnes County Residential Center with child seats installed, claiming that President Trump authorized these ‘prison buses’ for migrant children.

To everyone’s surprise, this liberal activist reported a completely false story which was two years old. These buses, equipped with seats for babies and young children, are subsidized to transport children ages four to 17, who are enrolled in educational programs, to off-site field trips. This unique program works in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and was a product of the Obama Administration.

These notorious opponents of the Trump Administration, including former staffers for President Obama, will stop at nothing, even reporting blatantly false narratives, to bash President Trump. Ironically, liberals who claim to champion all minority groups will all quickly delete their tweets in defense of illegal immigrants, once they figure out that President Trump is not to blame. Liberals in the mainstream media seem to only care for migrants and illegal immigrants when they can use these people as a crutch to vilify President Trump.