
Total Loser: Hillary Thought About Absconding Here After Her 2016 Defeat

Yeah, we know it was a joke. We know you were kidding, but a lot of us would sort of wish you would go away, Mrs. Clinton. And that’s not just Republicans; a lot of Democrats share that sentiment as well. You’re old news. You’re yesterday. You’re the past. You’re…the woman who simply doesn’t know how to bloody quit. 

At a speaking engagement in Auckland, New Zealand, the former first lady joked that she thought about relocating to the country after her devastating loss to Donald Trump (via Washington Examiner):

Failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton admitted to thousands of New Zealanders Monday that she considered permanently leaving the United States and moving to the southwestern Pacific Ocean country after her election loss in 2016.

The former secretary of state told roughly 3,000 people in Auckland that she received multiple offers to take a job in New Zealand and thought about living there for the rest of her life.

"I must say I really did appreciate the offers. Gave them some thought," Clinton, 70, admitted. "But I'm going to stay put because we have work to do in my country as well."

The tragic thing is that this could have been a nice chuckle, but she’s so insufferable that it just adds to her sore loser tour that began with her book tour. She’s blamed everyone for her 2016 defeat. I mean she takes responsibility for the loss, but James Comey, the media, the FBI, Russia, Wikileaks, misogyny, sexism, racism, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, and the Democratic National Committee were to blame. Yeah, her latest victims were card-carrying Democrats themselves, saying that since so many of them are now socialists, her capitalist leanings might have hurt her. With no one left to blame and with her continuing to trash Trump voters, maybe it would do the former first lady some good to leave and maybe never come back. After all, she vowed never to run again and she will never be president. Yeah, she has her Onward Together PAC, but let’s be real—she and Bill are only interested in the money. That’s fine. Just quit with the façade that you’re staying in the limelight out of some sort of devotion to public service. It’s to keep your stock up. Again, this strikes at the heart of Hillary’s 2008 and 2016 campaign woes: inauthenticity.