
French President Macron Has Embarrassing Gaffe in Australia After Media Praises His English

While French President Emmanuel Macron charmed media in the U.S. by speaking “nearly flawless” English before Congress last week, Australian news outlets enjoyed a slip-up by Macron in a reference to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s wife.

“I want to thank you for your welcome, thank you and your delicious wife for your warm welcome,” Macron said Wednesday.

Many felt that Macron slipped up because he was using the French word for delicious — delicieux — which also translates as “delightful.”

The gaffe comes after many in the U.S. media praised Macron’s English during his visit last week.

“Macron's decision to address Congress in accented but fluent English and the policies he was advocating, the compelling political moment looked for all the world like a State of the Union address by a Democratic president,” CNN commented at the time.