
Football Star Taking Heat for this Prom Photo With Daughter and Her Date

Former NFL kicker Jay Feely took the whole protective dad thing to a whole new level over the weekend. He posted a photo of his daughter and her prom date on his Twitter page while holding a gun in his hand on his Twitter page and it um, caused some controversy.

Critics said the photoshoot was insensitive and diminished the real threat of gun violence, especially in light of the recent school shootings. Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts agreed, adding that Feely's photo was misogynistic.

Others defended Feely's picture as a harmless joke, pointing out that the kids agreed to the photo and, judging by their expressions, had some fun with it too. They certainly don't look threatened.

When the "TODAY" show polled their viewers, a majority, 56 percent, said the photo was "all in good fun." That's what Feely was going for, he explained in a follow up tweet, adding that he prioritizes gun safety.