
NBC News Reporter: Trump Was 'At His Best' at Davos

Americans liked what they heard from President Trump at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Thursday - even mainstream journalists.

America is "open for business," Trump declared at the summit. He proceeded to tout the Republican tax reform legislation and his efforts to deregulate business. 

“The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America,” he said. "There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest and to grow in the United States. America is open for business and we are competitive once again."

Small business has responded to the administration's efforts. In a recent poll, 64 percent of small business owners said they had benefited from the president's agenda. 

We've seen the ripple effect on large companies as well, as major players like AT&T, Boeing, Wal-Mart, Apple, Starbucks, and Disney have been handing out bonuses like candy in the wake of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 

NBC News reporter Jonathan Allen tipped his hat to the president after he delivered his speech.

Despite being criticized by social media users for "setting the bar so low" for the Oval Office, Allen defended his initial reaction.