
Planned Parenthood Praises Roe As a Lesbian at the Time of Roe v. Wade, Ignores Her Pro-life Conversion

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, tweeted out praise of “Queer women at the forefront,” pointing out that Jane Roe of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, which legalized abortion in the United States, “identified as a lesbian at the time of the case” and her lawyer, Linda Coffee, “also identifies as gay.” However, they omitted one, key detail: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe in the case, identified as pro-life by 1995 until her death in February 2017.

"I'm 100 percent pro-life," McCorvey told the Associated Press in 1998. "I don't believe in abortion even in an extreme situation. If the woman is impregnated by a rapist, it's still a child. You're not to act as your own God."

McCorvey became a Christian after befriending a pro-life minister in 1995 and later became a Roman Catholic, even renouncing her past homosexual lifestyle.

“Back in 1973, I was a very confused twenty-one year old with one child and facing an unplanned pregnancy,” she said in an ad about her past. “At the time I fought to obtain a legal abortion, but truth be told, I have three daughters and never had an abortion.”

“I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name,” McCorvey once told a U.S. Senate subcommittee.