
Feds to Martin Shkreli: Hand Over the Wu-Tang Album

Martin Shkreli, the "pharma bro" who faces up to 20 years in prison for securities fraud, may be forced to turn over his copy of the Wu-Tang Clan album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin." Shkreli won the album after he bid $2 million in an auction, and owns the only copy of the album in existence. He has released a portion of the album via a YouTube livestream.  

Now, the Department of Justice wants Shkreli to forfeit the album, along with his shares to Turing Pharmaceuticals, an Enigma machine, a Picasso painting, and the copy of the unreleased Lil Wayne album "The Carter V," which Shkreli claims to own as well.  

Many people were amused by this new development: 

Shkreli will be sentenced in January. He's currently in prison after his bail was revoked