
HuffPost Reporter Takes Swipe At John McCain's Brain Cancer Over Support For Tax Bill; UPDATE: She Deleted It

Look, folks—I know John McCain hasn’t been the most reliable Republican. He was part of the trio of Republicans who killed the so-called skinny repeal of Obamacare. That vote infuriated many on the Right, but he’s expected to be a “yea” vote for the tax reform package that’s currently making its way through the Senate. There are many ways to voice your disappointment if you’re an opponent of this legislation. Mocking the senator’s brain cancer diagnosis is not one of them. That’s what this Huffington Post reporter tweeted upon McCain’s announcement. She wrote, “congratulations to John McCain’s wife and children on their upcoming tax-free inheritance.” She later deleted the tweet, though not because it was disgusting or wrong; it just wasn’t “worth it.” you can interpret that however you like, folks.

There are issues that I disagree with Sen. McCain on, but nothing good comes from mocking someone’s cancer diagnosis. You can say a lot about this tax bill, it’s not an apocalyptic event. Let’s grow up a little.