
Fox Reporter Notices DNC Doesn't Completely Exonerate Itself from Dossier Report

On Tuesday night, the Washington Post released a report that the Hillary campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research for the Trump-Russia dossier that was published by BuzzFeed News in January. Clinton lawyer Marc E. Elias was discovered to have retained the firm Fusion GPS and helped fund their investigation into whether Trump and his associates were in talks with the Kremlin during the 2016 election. Republicans, Democrats, and mainstream media figures alike are skewering Clinton and the DNC for being complicit in the dossier and lying about the Russian collusion story for over a year.

Others are pointing out that it seems Clinton was the one colluding with Russia after all.

DNC Communications Director Xochitl Hinojosa tried to exonerate the current leadership team from any wrongdoing. Yet, as Fox News's Brooke Singman notes, Hinojosa did not say that DNC denies all involvement.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has issued a subpoena for the financial records of Fusion GPS to see who exactly bankrolled the dossier research.