
San Juan Mayor Gives Trump a ‘10’ Too – on a Far Different Scale

President Trump gave his federal response effort in Puerto Rico a 10/10 when asked by reporters Thursday in a joint presser with Gov. Richard Rosselló, who thanked Trump for his help. 

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz does not share the same perspective. Sure, she'd give the president a 10 - a "10 out of 100."

Cruz, who has been a thorn in Trump's side throughout the recovery effort, said enough of the political cloud cover, suggesting that Gov. Rosselló is not going far enough to make the plea for resources.

"The response has not been appropriate," the mayor told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Friday. She added that it's time for leaders to admit when they've failed and when to ask for help.

"I'm always looking injustice in the face," Cruz said. "I'm not going to put veneer over people's eyes." 

"People are fed up" with this attitude politicians have of not admitting their mistakes, the mayor added.

Trump may believe he is doing a bang up job, but "the basic services" are still not in Puerto Rico, she said.

The mayor did acknowledge that the rescue efforts have "stepped up" in the last week, but far too many Puerto Ricans are still without food and water. Hospitals are without generators as FEMA admitted they don't have enough to provide at this time.

The mayor said suggested some immediate action needs to include the repealing of the Jones Act for at least a year, and looking at alternative sources of power. 

"Let’s go solar," she said. "We have constant supply of sun – let’s use that."

Hopefully FEMA, rescue workers and leaders come up with solutions to get Puerto Ricans the help they need. One million residents remain without water and 3 million remain without power.