
Former Hillary Staffer 'Disappointed' in Hillary's Silence on Weinstein

UPDATE: Hillary has finally weighed in.

***Original Post***

It's been five days since The New York Times's explosive exposé on Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual assault. Actors and liberal politicians who fraternized with him are starting to speak out. Meryl Streep called it "disgraceful," Susan Sarandon applauded the women who came forward, and senators like Elizabeth Warren are giving away some of the donations they received from Weinstein to charity. 

Hillary Clinton, who last year was the beneficiary of a Weinstein fundraiser, had a prime opportunity to offer a public condemnation of her own at a speech in California Monday night. But, she never mentioned his name.

Democrats are urging her to make a statement, including some of her own former employees. Patti Solis Doyle, who ran Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, was asked by CNN's Poppy Harlow how her former boss could waste the chance to speak out against Weinstein?

Clinton is no longer an elected official, Doyle said, before defending her honor.

"Having worked for Hillary Clinton for 17 years, knowing in her heart, the rights of women and girls have been a the forefront of her career," Doyle added. "She gave me the ability to bring my 3-month-old baby to work and have a crib in my office. I know her heart is in the right place."

Having said all that, Doyle acknowledges it is “disappointing” Clinton hasn’t come out and condemned Weinstein. 

Also of note, Clinton's 2016 running mate Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) told CNN that "any leader should condemn" Weinstein's actions. He said Clinton will speak "when the time is right."