
Twitter Doubles Character Limit to 280

Twitter, the microblogging platform used by everyone from President Donald Trump to your neighbor down the street, announced a major change on Tuesday afternoon: the 140-character limit for tweets, which is almost entirely the source of Twitter's appeal, would be doubled to 280. The change was announced by the @Twitter account. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called this a "small change, but a big move for us," and pointed out that the previous character limit was based off of the then-160 character limit for SMS texts. 

Co-founder Biz Stone said that the updated limit was an issue of fairness (as languages are different) and that the platform will now be "testing the limits." 

Needless to say, people were not thrilled by the changes:

This is certainly an odd move for a platform that's already bleeding users. People appreciate the brevity of tweets--it forces people to pare down superfluous thoughts into something concise. This is the opposite of what everyone wanted. 

Seriously Twitter, an edit button. That's all we need.