
Trump's Base is Outraged Over DACA Deal Coming Before The Wall: We Will Leave Him!

Early Thursday morning President Trump confirmed a congressional deal on DACA is in the works and will come before the border wall. 

"We're working on a plan - subject to getting massive border controls. We're working on a plan for DACA. People want to see that happen. You have 800,000 young people, brought here, no fault of their own. So we're working on a plan, we'll see how it works out. We're going to get massive border security as part of that. And I think something can happen, we'll see what happens, but something will happen," Trump said according to the pool report," he said. "The wall will come later, we're right now renovating large sections of wall, massive sections, making it brand new."

An overwhelming majority of the country, including many people who voted for Trump, believe a DACA deal should be reached. The President's hardcore base, however, is having none of it. 

"The base will leave him. They can’t support him anymore. I am talking about my constituents in Iowa that will say you need to be behind trump. I am. I support his entire agenda. I support the agenda Trump had when he went into office and I support almost every piece of the agenda, except the amnesty piece being dangled, and that’s so destructive to a first world country," Rep. Steve King, an early supporter of Trump on the campaign trail, said during an interview with CNN Thursday morning. "If you do not have the rule of law or respect for that law, the people writing the immigration laws are the people breaking them. We had a protest here, DREAMers coming up demanding we give them amnesty. What right do law breakers have to make demands from the citizens of the United States of America. If anything, they should be pleading for it and not demanding."

"This was a straight up promise throughout his campaign," King continued. "It looks to me like he's preparing to keep Hillary Clinton's campaign promise rather than his own."
