
ESPN Host Calls Trump a White Supremacist...Will She Face Same Consequences as Schilling?

ESPN just can't help getting tied up in political discussion. Sportscenter co-host Jemele Hill started a debate on Twitter about potential Senate candidate Kid Rock, which somehow concluded with her calling President Trump a white supremacist.

She's not a first time offender.

While Hill has yet to face consequences, ESPN anchors who have voiced conservative viewpoints have been shown the exit with barely a blink, some social media users noted.

Take Curt Schilling, for example. Schilling, a former MLB pitcher turned ESPN commentator, is a Donald Trump supporter who decided to speak out about the controversial transgender bathroom law in North Carolina.

“A man is a man no matter what they call themselves," he said on Facebook. "I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.”

After a quick review, ESPN informed the public that they believed Schilling's behavior to be "unacceptable" and that they had terminated his contract.

They have yet to make a similar announcement about Ms. Hill.

ESPN may or not be guilty of partisan politics in their hiring/firing practices, but there's another moral to the story. No matter whether you're liberal or conservative, if you're a sports correspondent, please stick to the topic at hand.