
Video: My Conversation With Ex-Leftist Dave Rubin on Weaponized PC Culture and Identity Politics

I recently had the pleasure of stopping by Dave Rubin's studio in Los Angeles to tape a lengthy and wide-ranging interview about the themes of our new edition of End of Discussion.  Rubin -- a comedian and social commentator who has abandoned his erstwhile liberalism in favor of a more independent posture, from which he fiercely criticizes what he calls the "regressive Left" -- asked me about the rejection of identity politics, America's dysfunctional national conversation, and my approach to covering President Trump with an eye toward intellectual honesty and fairness.  Part one of our conversation is more personal in nature, whereas the second installment is politics-heavy.  Hopefully you'll find the exchange worthwhile, entertaining, and perhaps even illuminating at times:

For more on The Rubin Report, which now boasts over 500,000 YouTube subscribers, click here.