
Conservative Group Aims To Defund Big Labor Ahead Of 2018 Midterms

The Olympia-based Freedom Foundation scored a significant win last month when the Washington attorney general’s office filed a lawsuit against the local SEIU affiliate for failing to disclose $5 million in donations. Now, they’re expanding the fight against Big Labor ahead of the 2018 midterms. We all know labor unions amass significant campaign war chests for elections. Freedom Foundation is trying to lighten the load by curbing union dues from going into the campaign coffers. Unions almost exclusively support Democrats, despite 40 percent of members having conservative political views.

The organization has detailed their goals in the video below, where they proudly tout that 10,000 union members have stopped paying dues as a result of their pro-free market activities. That amounts to $10 million, according to Freedom Foundation. So, the rallying cry is to defund Big Labor. I think all of us on the Right can get behind that, right?