
Spicer: It Has Been an Honor to Serve My Country and the President

After submitting his resignation as Press Secretary Friday morning, Sean Spicer is leaving his White House position with grace.

As noted, Spicer will help with the transition to the new communications team and will stay at the White House until August. He was on the job for just over six months while also serving as the defacto communications director. Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci was appointed communications director Friday morning. 

More color from inside of the room from Axios:

After the Oval Office meeting: Spicer, Priebus and Scaramucci stood in a row behind Sean's desk in the corner of the press secretary's office. A wall of TVs playing cable news was in the background. Some 40 staff gathered, according to a source in the room.

Spicer started off:

"A lot of you are hearing the news, and I want you to hear it directly from us."

He praised Scaramucci, said he's a fighter and can do a great job. Everyone applauded for Scaramucci.    

Spicer added: "I want you all to be the first to hear that I told the president that I'm going to step down, but that I'm going to be very involved in the transition to make sure that Anthony can be very successful."    

Sean framed the decision as wanting to give Mooch a clean slate.

A source in the room said he was very gracious about it, and everyone applauded for Sean.