
The Next FBI Director Plans to Look Into Collusion Between Clinton Campaign and Ukraine

During testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, President Donald Trump's nominee to head the FBI was asked a series of questions about foreign governments meddling in the 2016 presidential election. 

Specifically, longtime attorney and former federal prosecutor Christopher Wray was pressed about under reported efforts between the Clinton campaign, Democrat National Committee and officials from the Ukraine government to undermine Donald Trump's candidacy. The collusion and combined efforts of the DNC and Ukraine officials were so significant, representatives from each camp met at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington D.C. to strategize. 

Senator Lindsey Graham: Would you agree with me that it is wrong for the Ukraine to be involved in our elections?

Wray: Yes Senator. I take any....

Graham: I got you, right answer. Now, will you look into this?

Wray: I'd be happy to dig into it.

During a later exchange with Graham about recent emails released by Donald Trump Jr. showing interest in obtaining damaging information from the Russian government about Hillary Clinton, Wray said, "Any threat or effort to interfere with our elections from any nation state, or any non-state actor, is the kind of thing the FBI would want to know."

Both campaigns, Clinton and Trump, appear to have taken help from foreign governments during the 2016 presidential election in opposition to one another. The Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia, however, has been significantly more attention by Democrats and the media. 

Wray was nominated earlier this month after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May.