
Video: How Obamacare Has Failed the American People

As part of its effort to repeal and replace the Obamacare, the White House on Wednesday released a video briefly breaking down some of the major ways the Affordable Care Act is failing the American people.

The 38-second video was tweeted from the White House’s Twitter account and includes four “fails,” including higher costs, fewer choices, fewer people covered, and less freedom.

Fail #1: Higher Costs—Average premiums are up 105 percent since 2013.

Fail #2: Fewer Choices—83 insurers abandoned the Obamacare marketplace this year alone.

Fail #3: Fewer Covered—In 2016, 29 percent of enrollees (over 3.6 million Americans) dropped off Obamacare exchanges.

Fail #4: Less Freedom—In 2015, Americans paid $3 billion in penalties for not purchasing unaffordable health plans that did not meet their needs.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said a “discussion draft” of the Senate’s healthcare reform legislation will be released Thursday and could be voted on as early as next week.