
Trump: So Far, I've Accomplished More Than Any President Except FDR

In his first Cabinet meeting at the White House on Monday, President Trump touted his administration’s accomplishments during his first six months in office, saying that no other president, with the exception of FDR, has done more than him during the same time frame.

“Never has there been a president, with few exceptions — case of FDR, he had a major depression to handle — who has passed more legislation and who has done more things than what we’ve done, between the executive orders and the job-killing regulations that have been terminated, many bills, I guess the over 34 bills in Congress signed, the Supreme Court justice is going to be a great one,” Trump said.

According to Politico, President Truman surpassed Trump, passing 55 bills in his first 100 days, while the president has signed 48 as of his 142nd day in office. 

A number of these are also small-ticket items that will not affect Americans’ lives, The Hillnotes.