
Democratic Senator: Voter ID Law Drove Down Turnout In My State. Fact Checkers: No. Not True

Earlier this month, President Trump announced a commission to investigate voter fraud and suppression. Of course, the Democrats disagree with this initiative. It’s become a national pastime for the Left to label any measures to ensure accountability in our elections as racist. Photo ID laws are considered anathema to the Left, even eliciting commentaries that they represent a reconstituted Jim Crow era. In Wisconsin, Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin feels voter turnout was reduced by 200,000 because of the voter ID law. The problem is that it’s pretty much not true. Over to you Left-leaning Politifact:

Baldwin says: "Voter turnout in 2016 was reduced by approx. 200,000 votes because of WI’s photo ID laws."

A report she cites from a Democratic candidate-supporting group says a decline in voter turnout between the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in Wisconsin was entirely due to the state’s new photo identification requirement for voting.

But experts say that while photo ID requirements reduces turnout to some extent, they question the methodology of the report and say there is no way to put a number on how many people in Wisconsin didn’t vote because of the ID requirement.

We rate Baldwin’s statement Mostly False.

Okay—let’s discuss who we’re really talking about when it comes to voter ID and suppression; Democrats think that these GOP initiatives are meant to reduce the vote from non-whites. All of these talking points, despite the fact that voter ID laws are incredibly popular with everyone