
RNC Chair Calls on Republicans to Unite Behind Trump

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel questioned reports Thursday that President Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey because he wanted the agency to drop its investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

"If Comey really thought the president had crossed a line he would have reported it and he didn’t," Ronna Romney McDaniel said on Fox News Radio. "There is an investigation that is going to take place, we are going to get to the bottom of that."

Despite a series of media ‘bombshells’ this week regarding the Trump administration, including the Comey memo, McDaniel called on Republicans to unite behind the commander in chief.

"We need to rally around our president right now. He's had unprecedented obstruction from the Democrats and the media. They are coming after him with everything, and this is the time for our party to be rallying around our leader, which is our president, who the people voted to represent them," she said.