Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) joked about wanting to cut open Republican bodies last month at an event in the Democratic bastion of Chicago. She was talking about health care policy and the GOP plan to repeal Obamacare, which she said would kick 24 million people off their health insurance plans. It segued into how she hopes Republicans would donate their bodies to science so she can cut them open to see what’s inside. Of course, it drew loud cheers from the audience (via Free Beacon):
"I hope they leave their bodies to science. I would like to cut them open," Warren said during an event in Chicago on Saturday.Warren was discussing the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare and seemed to suggest their position on healthcare was unfathomable.
"God, what planet do they live on?" Warren asked, before sharing her wish to cut open their bodies.
What can you say? Pocahontas—she’s got jokes.