
Tom Perez Went on a Crazy-Eyed Rant Against Trump, GOP

The bungling of the AHA by the GOP has emboldened DNC chair Tom Perez, who thinks their "resistance" had something to do with its defeat. 

In a speech Friday before the New Jersey Working Families Alliance, Perez took credit for defeating "Trumpcare" and went on a profanity-laced tirade about Republicans:

"Donald Trump, that romance you have with Putin, it's not gonna do you any good, because we will resist. One week ago we did, and we did so successfully.Donald Trump wants his name around everything... but when it came to healthcare, he didn't want Trumpcare. So what do we call it? Trumpcare.... I'll tell you my idea.. you know what's my idea for a program? "I Don't Care," because they don't care about people. They don't give a s*** about people."

His remarks are approximately 25 minutes in. 

He also repeated the lie that Trump is an illegitimate president:

“Donald Trump, you don’t stand for our values. You didn’t win this election,”
The rest of his speech is the same old drivel - they want tax cuts for the rich, they want to take away a woman's right to choose, and Democrats are the party looking out for the little people! Perez is supposedly cleaning house at DNC headquarters, and he might want to look at cleaning up his messaging, too.