
‘Patriotic’ Maxine Waters Brings Trump Impeachment Rant to House Floor

In case you didn’t get the message from her calling the Trump administration a bunch of "scumbags," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told the American people Monday night on Capitol Hill that she flat out does not respect President Trump.

"I oppose this president,” she said on the House floor. “I do not honor this president. I do not respect this president."

In front of her colleagues, Waters claimed that Trump and his supporters are not as patriotic as she and other African-Americans who are fighting for democracy.

"When we fight against this president, and we point out how dangerous he is for this society and for this country, we’re fighting for the democracy," Waters said. "We’re fighting for America. We’re saying to those who say they’re patriotic but they’ve turned a blind eye to the destruction that he’s about to cause this country, ‘You’re not nearly as patriotic as we are.'"

The congresswoman also reiterated her plans to seek Trump’s impeachment. It is her “mission.” 

While Waters has been getting most of the attention for so often calling for Trump's impeachment, she's not alone. Other congressmen like Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) have thrown the word around and on the day of Trump's inauguration, dozens of Democratic lawmakers were absent, protesting who they believed was an illegitimate president. 

A February survey from the Public Religion Research Institute suggests their rhetoric is not out of the mainstream among Democrats outside of Washington. A majority of those polled said they'd be fine with impeachment.