
Did A Siberian Mummy Curse Hillary Clinton In the 1990s? Some Russian Locals Think So

Hillary Clinton hasn't had the smoothest couple of decades. First, her husband's infidelity with an intern was revealed on a national stage. Next, she lost the Democratic Party's nomination for president to a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois. Then, her time as Secretary of State was mired in controversy. After that, she basically entered campaign mode, and she still couldn't win the presidency. I'm no Clinton fan, but you can't deny that she's had a rough go.

And it all may have stemmed from a Siberian mummy's curse, if Russian locals are to be believed. In 1997, Clinton visited Novosibirsk, in Siberia, and "met" a mummy called the "Princess of Ukok." Apparently, local shamans think that the mummy is Altai Princess Ochi-Bala, who kept peace and prevented evil from entering the world. Removing her from her burial spot would have "dire consequences," they warned.

Local shamans declared that the mummy belonged to the Altai Princess Ochi-Bala or White Lady of Ak-Kadyn—the progenitor of the Altai people, the keeper of peace, who stood guard, preventing evil from penetrating our world.

Leave her in peace, rebury her in the same spot, or there would be dire consequences—her ire and curse, for anybody who would cross her path—the shamans warned.

From day one, many Altai locals were alarmed by the removal of the ancient girl’s remains from the sacred burial mounds—known as kurgans—regardless of the value to science of the discovery. In a land where the sway of shamans still holds, they believed that the princess’ removal would immediately lead to consequences.

In addition to Clinton's numerous electoral failures, the mummy has also been blamed for an economic decline in Russia in the early 90s, earthquakes, forest fires, a constitutional crisis in the country, and even for triggering the Chechen war in 1995

While I don't really believe in curses, this would certainly explain the 2008 and 2016 elections--which basically had more twists and turns than a Hollywood movie. Plus, it'd be an ironic twist if Russian meddling did cost Clinton the election--in the form of an ancient curse.