
FBI Investigating WikiLeaks' CIA Release to Find Mole

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks released what is believed to be sensitive details into the CIA's hacking processes. The 10,000 pages of documents expose the tools the agency uses to hack into electronic devices.

The FBI has just launched an investigation to try and find the mole.

“They’re going to try to do some forensic work because those documents probably have been changed [over time], so that enables them to narrow down the period to when they were taken,” said Alex Yampolskiy, the CEO of SecurityScorecard. “Once you say ‘this seems like it was a snapshot from this particular time,’ then they can look at audit logs of who had access to the document during that time frame.”

The CIA leak, according to some experts, is on par with being just as serious or even worse than Edward Snowden's NSA expose in 2013.