
Cruz Dares Joaquin Castro to Challenge Him in the Next Senate Race

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), whose family is Cuban, said he is "quite familiar with standing up to the Castro brothers." His comments, however, were directed toward a different pair of siblings than the communist dictators. In a radio interview on Wednesday, Cruz welcomed a potential Senate challenge from Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX 20th District).

Castro, brother to former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, who was once considered as Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate, reportedly sees vulnerability in Cruz because he has shown himself to be "without principle" in the wake of the 2016 presidential campaign.

“He has disappointed millions of Texans, because he went to Washington to run for president and hasn’t spent a day working for the people of Texas,” Castro said. “He’s also enabled Donald Trump and at the same time double-crossed Donald Trump."

Castro is expected to make a decision in the next couple months.