
EMTs Forced To Do Procedure In Ambulance After Anti-Trump Rioters Block Road

EMTs in Connecticut were forced to do a procedure on a "critically ill" patient in an ambulance after anti-Trump protestors blocked part of the highway and clogged up traffic. Between 100 and 200 people blocked the Interstate-95 Northbound Exit 47 Ramp (RT34 Westbound) in New Haven on Saturday afternoon. They were protesting President Trump's executive order on immigration.

The leader of the protest has since been arrested, charged, and will appear in court next week.

Seriously, how is this supposed to endear people to a cause? Nobody in New Haven can do a dang thing about the executive order, and all this is doing is quite literally putting innocent people's lives at risk. It's dangerous and irresponsible. I understand how there's a desire to disrupt people's lives and livelihoods in pursuit of a goal--making people uncomfortable works. Making people dead, however, does not.

With planned protests/marches/parades, etc. the police and fire department are aware of road closures in advance and can work around them. In this case, clearly they were not. This is unacceptable behavior.