
Oof: Gov. Cuomo Booked 200 Rooms in DC For Hillary's Inauguration

It's hardly a secret that Hillary Clinton thought she had the election in the bag. While the fireworks show was canceled in advance and the confetti wound up being packed away, Clintonites began celebrating before the polls even closed. As the votes were counted and it became clear that Clinton would not be successful in her quest to be the first female president, her supporters began to have a meltdown. Some supporters, however, had more at stake than others: take NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who booked 200 hotel rooms for Clinton's inauguration festivities.


According to Page Six, Cuomo booked the rooms at a "really good rate" quite a while ago at the Loews Madison in downtown DC. He has since offered the rooms to New York's Republican Party.

When Donald Trump won the election, Cuomo was stuck, so he had a staffer call Ed Cox, chairman of New York’s Republican Party, and offer him the giant block of rooms at the downtown Loews Madison.

“The best part is Cuomo booked so early, he locked in a really low rate,” said my insider. Cox was grateful. “Rooms in DC are a hot commodity right now.”

Anecdotal reports ahead of the inauguration say that rooms are not selling as quickly as hoteliers had hoped.

Maybe don't count your chickens before they hatch--and this goes for all politicians.