
PHOTOS: Heavy Dump Trucks Provide Protective Barrier For Trump Tower on Election Day

Correction: A previous version of this post stated Trump will hold his election night party at Trump Tower. That is incorrect. It will be held at the Hilton on 6th Avenue.

New York - Security is tight in New York City Tuesday as voters across the country cast their votes for the next President of the United States. 

Republican Donald Trump spent the day at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and will hold his election party at the Hilton on Sixth Avenue. Democrat Hillary Clinton is staying at the Peninsula Hotel, just a few blocks away from Trump Tower, and will hold her election party at the Javits Center. 

Outside Trump Tower a row of heavy, sand filled dump trucks are providing a protective barrier in front of the building. 

Down the street at Clinton's location, dump trucks are also being used and pedestrians are prevented from approaching the building directly.

The NYPD are providing security around the perimeter of both locations. Protestors and supporters of both candidates are expected to convene in the area later today.