Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the FBI’s Sunday announcement that its July decision still stands, saying while it’s “technically a win” for Hillary Clinton, much of the damage has already been done.
“This is technically a win for Secretary Clinton, but I think politically it probably has zero effect, or if anything, a marginal net plus,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “Yes she can cite this but first of all the verdict in July was rather mixed. Even though she wasn’t indicted it was gross negligence and as you saw in the statement from Paul Ryan, that’s enough to make a case against her.”
Krauthammer argued that the recent decision comes too late for Clinton.
“She lost 10 days,” he continued. “Since the bombshell announcement 10 days ago she has lost altitude everywhere and that accounts for the fact that there are so many swing states hanging in the balance. That was not so before his announcement. Those 10 days are lost. All the arguments, and the cases made against her in the 10 days are not erasable and they’ve had their effect. If anything, yes, it’s a talking point, but no, at this point it might perhaps stop the bleeding to some extent in some places but at this point I don’t think it has an effect of any real importance for the ultimate outcome.”