
Aziz Ansari Claims Trump “Hates Brown People”

Aziz Ansari, the actor most well-known for playing the lovable Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation, has made quite the accusation in a video prompting youths to go out and vote.

In the short clip produced by NextGen Climate, Ansari sarcastically talks about why the producers of the video want him to encourage millennials to go out and vote. He goes on to say, “There’s a f***ing guy running that says he hates brown people.”

Considering there is only one man running among the two main parties, it’s well assumed who the Hollywood actor is referring to.

In politics, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Say what you want about Donald Trump. He hasn’t exactly run the most compassionately themed campaign, but never has he flat out stated that he “hates brown people.” Making such a false accusation is shameful.