
Vogue Endorses Hillary Clinton

Vogue, a fashion magazine, has never before endorsed a presidential candidate--until now. On Tuesday, the magazine tweeted that they endorse Hillary Clinton for president over Republican Donald Trump.

In an editorial published on their website, Vogue admitted that while Hillary Clinton is not a perfect candidate, the "profound stakes" of this presidential election merit an endorsement from the normally-apolitical magazine. Vogue cited Clinton's positions on LGBT issues, immigration, and gun control as reasons why they feel she is the superior candidate.

Vogue has no history of political endorsements. Editors in chief have made their opinions known from time to time, but the magazine has never spoken in an election with a single voice. Given the profound stakes of this one, and the history that stands to be made, we feel that should change.

Vogue endorses Hillary Clinton for president of the United States.

Perhaps that sentence won’t come as a surprise. Vogue has enthusiastically covered Hillary Clinton’s career, her rise from Yale law student to governor’s wife to First Lady to senator to Secretary of State. She has been profiled by the magazine six times.

(For the record, we have also featured Donald Trump—or, more particularly, his family members Ivana, Marla, Melania, and Ivanka—multiple times in our pages.)

We understand that Clinton has not always been a perfect candidate, yet her fierce intelligence and considerable experience are reflected in policies and positions that are clear, sound, and hopeful.

Of course, there's also this: