
Giuliani: McCain Fighting for His Political Career in Arizona

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani shed light on a harsh reality for Sen. John McCain in an interview with the Washington Post on Monday.  

“There is nobody who admires John McCain more, and wants him to be reelected more, than me. But I think you’re hearing a guy who’s worried about whether he can be reelected in Arizona,” Giuliani said. “John wouldn’t be saying this if he were running two years from now. He’d just keep his mouth shut.”

Giuliani was talking about McCain's rebuttal of Donald Trump's recent discrepancies with a Muslim soldiers parents. McCain said that Trump should not have criticized Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son died in a suicide attack in Iraq. 

“I want John to win and I’ll do anything I can to help him win. In fact, if he thinks this can help him win, then go ahead and say it,” Giuliani said.

Recent polls have McCain struggling to put down the Democratic option in Arizona as his lead continues to dwindle.