
Stronger Together: Here Is The Agenda Hillary Clinton Has For America

Hillary Clinton will be accepting the Democratic nomination tonight. In her remark, her agenda centers on creating more job opportunities, raising stagnant wages, and reaching out to every corner of the country—from the cities to the rural 15 MPH small towns—in order to accomplish that economic goal.

She also pledges to be strong on national security, offering a strong leadership on the issue of tackling our “determined enemies,” which is obviously ISIS but they're not mentioned by name. In all, the speech centers on what Democrats have been saying throughout this convention, which is that America’s best days are ahead, don’t be pessimistic like the Republicans, and that we’re stronger together. Also, let’s come together to make sure the Clinton vision of America is a success.

Again, it would be more reassuring if Clinton could name out determined enemy by name, along with the radical ideology they follow. Moreover, given her unsanctioned and unsecure private email server that left our secrets vulnerable—not so sure you’re to be trusted on that front either. In fact, the vast majority of American voters don’t trust you. So, let’s see if Clinton pushes back against that narrative, along with Trump’s definition of her as “Crooked Hillary.” We shall see shortly.